Friday, May 2, 2008



Puyallup, WA – May 5, 2008 – Puyallup’s Park and Recreation Department established a Steering Committee, headed by Puyallup’s own Kathy Johansson Powell, to oversee the revamping of the overgrown, 17.5-acre plot located at Brown’s Property in Puyallup. The goal? Provide community access to growing fresh produce and plants while fostering neighborhood improvement, a sense of community, and connection to the environment. With the rising cost of food and the reduction in flavor, people all over the country are taking notice and planting their seeds.

The American Community Gardening Association ( claims numerous benefits to communal gardening. First, New York University recently released a study stating that the value of surrounding property significantly increases. The association also cites a study that greening projects have positive effects on neighborhoods and their residents, such as crime reduction both to property and people, improvement of property and overall appearance of the neighborhood, and increased feelings of safety. The gardens also combat two forms of alienation which plague modern urban life: breaking down societal isolation by creating a social community, and bringing people in contact with the source of their food.

Pierce County Master Gardener’s Program is overseeing this new project by providing research-based information on growing plants, insect identification, and environmentally responsible gardening practices, thereby ensuring the garden’s success ( Puyallup’s community garden is open to the public and is divided into individual plots with two choices of either a 10x10 or 10x20 with cost ranging from $15-20 per plot plus a $20 water fee. The Steering Committee is encouraging locals to participate in the planning and beautification of Brown’s Property, with opportunities in the near future for social gatherings, education and recreational points of interest, and general beautification of the land. For more information on how to get involved or obtain your own plot, contact Parks and Rec at: 253/841-5457

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