Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi Jen -

This is the first time I've looked at the blog and it's really nice. I like your idea of having local farmers/organic sellers post ads on the blog. I haven't planted yet because it seems like it's always too rainy and cold. Later this week the soil will have a chance warm up as we will have a couple of days in the 80's. Did you supplement your soil before you planted? When I plant, I think I will bring some Cedar Grove compost as well as a little agricultural lime and some organic vegetable fertilizer. In Western Washington some of the acidity in the soil needs to be neutralized for vegetables. We have to solve the puzzle of where to get our soil tested. Did you find some tools you can use when you're at the garden?

Thanks again for the nice blog. Holly


Puyallup Community Garden said...

Hi Holly!

I didn't jazz-up my soil. I thought about it, and I think I probably should have, but I didn't. I still have time to build up half the soil though, since I've only planted the front with the plants bought at the Master Gardener Sale.

Unfortunately I am going to be gone this weekend! The weather says its supposed to be REALLY nice outside.

Hope to see you in the garden sometime soon! Take care.


Excalibur said...

Awesome blog! What a great way to connect community gardeners, and share news and information.

Community Gardens are lots of fun (My mom had one in Tacoma when I was a kid, and I remember helping her plant stuff there.)

Also, you might consider putting a like to a Google Map of where the garden is in the links sidebar: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Browns+Property+Community+Garden+Puyallup,+wa&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=47.179854,-122.307272&spn=0.039846,0.083771&z=14&iwloc=A